BookLocker’s Payment Plan Programs


The Monthly Payment Plan Program provides the exact same services as our popular At Your Service Program, but at a higher cost in the end. But, through the Monthly Payment Plan Program, you only need to pay $350 up front. Thereafter, $50 monthly payments will be automatically charged to your credit card until the balance is paid off. Of course, any incoming royalties will whittle down that balance as well.

The Monthly Payment Plan Program is only available to U.S. citizens who reside in the U.S.

If you want to proceed with the Monthly Payment Plan Program:

1. Complete our contract here.

2. Use this link to make your $350 down payment:

We will then set up your account in our system, and contact you with the next steps for getting your book published! We usually get a book to market in only a month.


If you pay the entire amount up front for our At Your Service package, it’s only $975 while the total that would be paid under the Monthly Payment Plan Program will be $1125. That’s still FAR less than most other firms charge for the same services! See the graphic at the bottom of this page. 

If you were provided with a discount code for the At Your Service Package, that can’t be used with the Monthly Payment Plan Program.

But, if you are short on cash, using the Monthly Payment Plan Program is the fastest way to get your book on the market, and to start selling books – in as little as a month! 🙂

Color-interior books are eligible for the Monthly Payment Plan Program. However, the extra formatting fees of $7.50 per page and $8.50 per image must be paid up front. Color-interior books require a special quote. Please CONTACT ANGELA directly. She’d love to help you!!

If you want to skip the Monthly Payment Plan Program, and sign up for the At Your Service Program by paying up-front for our services, you can use THIS LINK to start that process. 


The Periodic Payment Plan Program provides the exact same services as our popular At Your Service Program, but also at a higher cost in the end. 

The Periodic Payment Plan Program is available to authors worldwide.

Through the Periodic Payment Plan Program, you will pay only $225 up front. We will then complete Step 1 of five steps of the publishing process (interior formatting).

Step 2: When you are ready for us to proceed to Step 2, you’ll pay the next installment of $225 and we will send your formatted interior file to you for any final edits you have.

Step 3 will be designing your cover. After we have received your third installment of $225, you will be working directly with our cover designer to ensure your cover is exactly what you want.

Step 4 involves you sending your final interior file to us for the final step – conversion. After you pay the 4th installment of $225, we will do a final check of your interior file, will convert that to PDF, and will send that to you for final approval.

Step 5 is when we send your files to the printer. Once you make your final payment of $225, we will set your book’s metadata up in the printer’s system, and will upload the files to them. They will then send you your print galley, which is the first printed/bound copy of your book. Once you approve that, your book will appear on our site, Amazon,, BooksAMillion,,, and many other retailers around the globe. You will also be able to order copies at the author discounts.

Step 6 (no more payments are due at this time) will be when we convert your book into epub (ebook) format, and list it on Amazon,, Apple, Kobo, Overdrive, and Google Play. Please note that, if your file has more than two interior graphics, or other complex formatting issues, there will be additional fees of $3 for each extra photo and $10 for each table. 

If you want to proceed with the Periodic Payment Plan Program:

1. Complete our contract here.

2. Use this link to make your first payment of $225:

We will then set up your account in our system, and contact you with the next steps for getting your book published! We usually get a book to market in only a month.


If you pay the entire amount up front for our At Your Service package, it’s only $975 while the total that would be paid under the Periodic Payment Plan Program will be $1125. That’s still FAR less than most other firms charge for the same services! See the graphic at the bottom of this page. 

If you were provided with a discount code for the At Your Service Package, that can’t be used with the Periodic Payment Plan Program.

Due to the nature of this program, we can’t send print-ready files to the author until all payments have been received.

Color-interior books are eligible for the Periodic Payment Plan Program. However, the extra formatting fees of $7.50 per page and $8.50 per image must be paid up front. Color-interior books require a special quote. Please CONTACT ANGELA directly. She’d love to help you!!

If you want to skip the Periodic Payment Plan Program, and sign up for the At Your Service Program by paying up-front for our services, you can use THIS LINK to start that process. 

We can’t WAIT to help you share your words with the world!

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