After you approve your print galley, your book will automatically begin to appear on retail sites.
Your book page should appear on BookLocker.com within the next 1-2 days. We will send you the link through your author account when it’s up. You can then incorporate that link into your marketing materials.
Your book will pop up on Amazon, probably in that same time-frame. The easiest way to find your book is to search for your ISBN on that site. Your ISBN appears on the copyright page of your book.
Your book will also start popping up on other sites in the next few days, like BarnesandNoble.com. Ingram has numerous retail clients all over the globe so your book will appear on websites you’ve never heard of. It’ll probably also pop up on Ebay.com because anyone with an Ingram account can pick up their feed, and list books for sale on any site that allows third-party sellers to list and sell books.
In the future, you can Google your ISBN to find out where your book is listed for sale online.
You should incorporate the links of stores you believe your readers will be most likely to use into your marketing materials, and add them to your website and newsletter.
If you have questions about “new and used books” appearing on Amazon (or any other site) from third-party sellers, about your Amazon ranking, sending books to reviewers, incorrect pricing of your book on other websites, or any other post-publication questions, please see our Post-publication FAQ RIGHT HERE.