If you just approved your print galley, and if you ordered epub/mobi conversion services (the Basic service is included in all of our packages except DIY and Color-interior), that process will begin now.
If we find items in your files that may result in additional charges (more than two images, tables, charts, footnotes, or any other complex formatting items), we will notify you automatically.
We do not start epub/mobi conversions until the author approves the print galley. This saves the author from needing to pay twice if they find have changes they want to make after reviewing the final pdf file, or after reviewing the print galley.
The conversion process takes about three to four weeks but expect delays in September through December when the pre-holiday mayhem is occurring. (Everybody wants their book published by Christmas!) 🙂
If you aren’t sure if epub/mobi formatting/conversion/distribution was included in your package, please contact us through your AUTHOR ACCOUNT.
If you need a quote for epub/mobi services, please also request that through your author account at the link above.
We list ebooks on Amazon (Kindle), BarnesandNoble.com (Nook), Apple (iPads, iPhones, etc.), Kobo (Canada’s popular ebook retailer), and Overdrive (which sells ebooks to more than 76,000 libraries and schools in 96 countries), and Google Play (which sells ebooks in 170 countries – that’s more than Amazon!).
CLICK HERE to see answers to more of your post publication questions. 🙂