Recent book marketing tips from WritersWeekly!
Pitch Your Book to These National Book Clubs!
Poet Don Marquis once divided the world into two types of people: those who could tell you they had just bought a package of paper napkins and make you “thrill and vibrate with the intelligence” and those who could share the secrets of the universe and yet “fail to impress you with any sense of the importance of the news.”
Ideally, your writing style places you in the former category. If so, book clubs may be interested in you…
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7 Tips For Getting Indies To Stock Your Book!
Your book is out! Congratulations. Now…how do you get your favorite indie bookstore to sell it?
Any author can understand what a bookstore owner or buyer looks for when evaluating new titles. Here are 7 tips for asking an indie bookstore to carry your book…
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Create E-Courses to Promote Your Writing Services, Book(s), and More!
Highly-targeted traffic to your blog: Ever thought about e-courses?
Connecting an already interested, highly-targeted pool of potential customers with one’s website and email list? This would be the dream of many an author. However, in our constant search for novel methods to publicize our writing achievements, we sometimes overlook traffic sources that do not seem so obvious at first glance.
Take, for example, online courses that are hosted on e-learning platforms like Udemy, SkillShare, or CourseCraft, to name just a few. You might be thinking that this is indeed a popular source of income for instructors and experts, but they don’t have much utility for writers. If these are your thoughts, you may just be missing on an outstanding promotional tool for your work, blog, and products…
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4 Ways to Get Your Book Reviewed!
I am a book reviewer and I publish my reviews in my blog, Little Miss Reader. I receive hundreds of book review requests each year and, unfortunately, I must reject most of them.
There are lots of self-published authors out there who have no idea how to write a good book review request! I have read numerous posts and articles from authors claiming they know how to write the best book review requests. The thing is…they are usually wrong. So, I am here today with a few tips for sending in review requests that will hopefully give you more acceptances and fewer rejections.
I receive between 10 and 30 review requests per week and I generally only accept 1 or 2 of those. I reject so many mainly because they have forgotten the following…
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