“Backstory: A narrative providing a history or background context, especially for a character or situation in a literary work, film, or dramatic series.”
– Dictionary.com
NOTE: We are receiving numerous inappropriate submissions. Backstories are NOT book descriptions and author biographies. Please read the entire post below, along with the sample backstories, before contacting us. The instructions for contacting us below.
BookLocker.com‘s website for writers, WritersWeekly.com, is seeking Book Backstories and Author Backstories from BookLocker authors! We will promoting these to our thousands of readers on WritersWeekly.com, and on our social media accounts!
Book Backstories tell readers how an author came up with the idea for their book.
Author Backstories tell readers when and how the individual decided to become an author, and how they accomplished that goal.
These pieces are promotional in nature (and really fun to read!). WritersWeekly will publish these at no charge for BookLocker authors, of course. That’s right, we will never charge you to promote YOUR book on our websites! We will also post links to backstories on our numerous social media accounts.
Examples of backstories can be found here:
If you have a Book Backstory or Author Backstory you’d like to share with our readers and social media followers, please send us a QUERY FIRST, briefly describing your book backstory or author backstory. (And, yes, you can submit both!). Please do NOT send us the entire backstory. We only need a brief pitch in order to determine if your backstory will be a good fit for WritersWeekly (Hint: It’s a family-friendly publication.) We expect to be inundated with these so please be patient for a response.
Book and Author Backstories should strictly be YOUR personal story about coming up with the idea for your book (or series), or what happened in your life to make you want to become an author. Backstories must include human-interest information about your personal journey with your book, or about your personal “lightbulb” moment about wanting to be an author, and how you eventually became one.
For Book Backstories, we’ll publish a high-resolution jpg of your book cover (which we already have on file).
For Author Backstories, if we don’t have one from you already, we’ll need a professional, high-resolution jpg of you. No jammies or bathroom selfies, please! 😉 If you prefer not to have your photo published, we won’t use one so no worries.
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Contact BookLocker’s Operations Manager (he’s also the Managing Editor of WritersWeekly) to pitch your backstory RIGHT HERE.