Advertising in Ingram’s Catalogs
Ingram is the world’s largest book distributor and their catalogs are sent to thousands of booksellers, librarians, educators, and online retailers.
Ingram can feature your book in one of their three catalogs:
Ingram Advance – for all genres (12 issues/year)
Circulation: 7,000 top U.S. booksellers and librarians; and in PDF format to over 27,000 international and domestic customers
Children’s Advance – for children’s books (6 issues/year)
Circulation: 7,000 top U.S. booksellers and librarians; and in PDF format to over 27,000 international and domestic customers
Christian Advance – for Christian-related titles (6 issues/year)
Circulation: Top 3,300 Christian retailers, 2,200 retailers, and 3,500 librarians.
To sign up, please use THIS ORDER FORM.
Cost: $125 per ad
Your ad will feature:
- Title and subtitle
- Author name
- Front cover (in black and white/grayscale)
- Your short description (up to 350 characters)
- Price
BookLocker will provide Ingram with your book’s cover, title, subtitle, author name, ISBN, price and short description.
When you purchase your ad, you will need to provide us with:
- The catalog you’d like to be featured in (Ingram Advance, Children’s Advance or Christian Advance)
- A short description of your book that does not exceed 350 characters. Characters include all letters, numbers, punctuation, and blank spaces. Example: This sentence is 31 characters.
The Fine Print
- Your book’s description is subject to change by Ingram. If your description exceeds the 350-character limit, it may be edited for length by Ingram staff writers. Likewise, if your description has a typo, Ingram reserves the right to fix that.
- Ingram reserves the right to move any title not deemed appropriate for the selected catalog. Children’s titles selected to be annotated in Advance will be moved to the next Children’s Advance catalog. Christian titles are vetted prior to acceptance. If your title isn’t deemed appropriate for the Christian catalog, it will be moved to the next Trade Advance catalog.
- Ads must be in English.
- Ingram may at times have a backlog of ads to feature. Ads are run on a first-come, first-served basis.
To sign up, please use THIS ORDER FORM.
Have this information ready:
1. Your book’s title
2. The catalog you’d like to be featured in (Ingram Advance, Children’s Advance, or Christian Advance)
2. Your short description – not to exceed $350 characters
3. You will need to type the cost into the order form: $125.00