Many authors think getting bookstores to stock their books is easy, and that it’ll be lucrative in the end. The sad fact of the industry is there are just far too many books on the market now and bookstores can’t handle them all. They aren’t likely willing to work with a single author of a single book. Indie bookstores are usually more receptive to local authors. Large chains are typically not.
More than a million new books are published each year now. Add those to the millions of books already on the market, including best sellers and mid-list books that keep selling, and you can see why many publishers must now pay bookstores for shelf space. See those books displayed just inside the door of your local bookstore? The publishers of those books paid thousands for that premium placement.
So, what’s a self-published author to do? These articles will help you decide if pursuing bookstore placement is worth it. It’s often far easier (and less expensive) to simply market your book directly to readers online.
REMEMBER, as a BookLocker author, you’re entitled to a FREE copy of 90+ Days of Promoting Your Book Online. Just log into your author account and ask for it.
Here ya go –
How to Sell to Books on Consignment to Bookstores and Other Retailers
Offering Credit to Bookstores Can Be VERY Risky
Marketing to Bookstores – Still a Waste of Time?
Mailing “Free” Books To Bookstores And Libraries Can Backfire
Do NOT Sneak Your Self-Published Book Onto Bookstore Shelves!
When Bookstore Clerks are Jerks
When Bookstore Managers are JERKS