“My Amazon Ranking Shot Up For One Day! So, Why Didn’t I Get Paid For That Sale?”

An author wrote last week:

My Amazon Central UK account is showing that I had a sale of (my book) on 9/10/14 but I’m not seeing that I ever received payment for it. I asked about it through Amazon and received this response:

“Please understand that, we don’t have the option to check the status of a single sale. I’m really sorry about this.

Of course, this isn’t the first time Amazon’s rankings have confused an author. I asked the author to send me a screenshot of the “sale” on Amazon.

What she sent wasn’t a screenshot of a “sale” at all. It was just a picture of the ranking history on Amazon. Ingram reported no sales of this author’s print book that month. We have audited Ingram’s sales reports numerous times over the past 16 years and we have never found even one missing sale.

The most likely scenario is that Amazon…

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