BookLocker will set up your existing ebook(s) in Overdrive’s system.
Cost: $25 per title
Order form:
Overdrive is the leading digital reading platform for more than 40,000 libraries and schools in 70 countries. According to Library Journal, “OverDrive is the King Kong of the public library ebook market.”
Overdrive, which only works with large publishers, “securely manages, enhances, protects, fulfills, and promotes their publishing clients’ ebooks.” The process is similar to other distributor arrangements. Having your ebook on Overdrive allows libraries and schools to purchase copies with limited distribution to their customers based on how many copies of the ebook they purchase from Overdrive. If they purchase one copy, only one of their customers can “check out” your ebook at a time. The more popular your book is, the more incentive libraries and schools have to purchase additional copies of your ebook(s).
How do authors make money on this service?
Each time a library orders a copy of your ebook, you earn royalties on that sale, just like any other retail/wholesale/distributor transaction.
Overdrive does not list non-English titles, nor do they list erotica.
Your ebook must already be available through BookLocker in epub and mobi formats (not just pdf). If your ebook is only in pdf format, please CONTACT US for a quote for epub/mobi formatting, conversion, and distribution.
BookLocker’s epub and mobi ebooks are also available through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple, and Kobo.
NOTE: Effective 07/05/18, new books being published through BookLocker will be automatically listed with Overdrive as part of our regular epub/mobi distribution service, which is included in all publishing packages except D.I.Y. and color-interior. D.I.Y. and color-interior authors can purchase the epub/mobi formatting/conversion/distribution service as an add-on. Request a quote HERE.