Q: “How many copies of my book can I expect to sell?”
A: A book’s sales potential depends entirely on: 1. the book itself; and 2. the author’s marketing savvy and efforts. Listing a book on a particular website like Booklocker, BarnesandNoble.com and even Amazon won’t generate sales. The author must promote the book in order for it to be successful. This is true for self-published and traditionally published titles. Traditional publishers do little to no promotion for unknown/new authors now. They take a gamble that a book may or may not take off. They run with the ones that do, and generally abandon the ones that don’t. Of course, the ones that do are the ones whose authors are promoting them creatively and consistently.
While we promote BookLocker.com as a whole, and we provide a free marketing area for authors (we don’t try to upsell authors on marketing services that always cost more than the book sales they generate), authors are responsible for marketing their own books.
Every author of a Booklocker.com print book receives a free copy of our book, 90+ Days of Promoting Your Book Online.
Anyone can buy the book, of course, but BookLocker authors get a copy for free.
Many POD publishers upsell authors to the tune of thousands of dollars on products/services that will never result in enough book sales to pay for those
products/services (which is why those publishers don’t offer those services for free). We call those POD publishers author meat markets – they suck as much money as they can out of an author’s wallet before moving on to the next author.
If you want to pay someone to promote your book, it’s a better idea to pay a book publicist directly than to hire a fee-based book publishing service
to perform marketing duties. If you need a referral to a book publicist please contact Angela HERE.