“Should I update my files for my second edition, or publish an entirely new book?”

Many authors, particularly those of non-fiction books, want to update their manuscripts at some point. And, we always get the same question. Should he or she simply update their existing files (OPTION 1), or should an entirely new book be published (OPTION 2)?


  1. Cost: Having us replace the interior and making minor updates to the cover is less expensive.
  2. Your old links for your book will remain the same.
  3. Your old reviews for the previous version will still be online.

This option simply involves you submitting a new interior file to us. We will process it, and upload it to the printer. The cost is currently $198 to do that. If you have cover changes, including a spine width adjustment, that is $95.  Choose #’s 4 and (if applicable) 6 on THIS ORDER FORM. Then, please login to your author account, and request we send the most recent MSWord file of your manuscript to you. If you have already started making edits, however, you can simply send your new manuscript to us for formatting and conversion through your author account.


  1. You can keep the old and new editions for sale online and, thus, potentially have more eyeballs find one of those. However, we don’t recommend doing this if the information in the first edition is out of date or lacking pertinent information.
  2. If you have negative reviews for your first edition, we definitely recommend going this route, and terminating the first edition.

The current cost for a returning author for our “At Your Service” publishing package is $717. The link to sign up for this is RIGHT HERE.

As always, if you have questions, please send us a note through your author account. 🙂

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